Product and Solution Cyber Security

Report a Product Cybersecurity Issue

Report a cybersecurity issue for an ESI product or solution

Please contact us immediately if you find an ESI product or solution is impacted by a cyber security issue by sending an email with the following details of the issue to productsecurity [at] (productsecurity[at]esi-group[dot]com).

Description of Issue:

If possible, provide a detailed description of the incident that affected the product, or the steps required to observe the vulnerability. In addition, screenshots, and screen captures are all helpful to us.

Product Code/ Number:

If no product number is known, please enter info in "Product Description"

Product Description:

Additional product details – if applicable

SW Revision:

Version of product SW and OS name and version – if applicable

Your Contact information:

Please include your name, company and preferred contact details

Date and Time Issue Was Observed:

If known

If your product is no longer able to operate correctly you are also encouraged to contact ESI Support to initiate any appropriate repair process.

If you have discovered a security vulnerability in an ESI product or solution, we encourage you to report it to us privately so that ESI can follow a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process. This allows us the time needed to thoroughly investigate and remediate security issues and publicly disclose them when appropriate. When you notify us of a potential security issue, we will acknowledge receipt of the report and coordinate any required response actions with you.

If you have a non-security related support issue, please contact ESI Support.