ESI INENDI Ensures the Cybersecurity of Industrial Networks, Integrating IoT & Machine Learning Technologies
ESI Group, leading innovator in Virtual Prototyping software and services for manufacturing industries, has received the “Label France Cybersecurity” in the “Industrial Networks Security” category. The Alliance de la Confiance Numérique awarded ESI the label during the International Forum on Cybersecurity FIC 2017, an important Cybersecurity event held in Lille on January 24 & 25, 2017. This label highlights ESI’s expertise in ensuring Cybersecurity on industrial networks, a growing concern for the factories of the future.

With over 40 years of experience in the industrial world, ESI Group has developed solutions that allow manufacturers to virtually build, assemble, test and experience their future products – without the need for physical prototypes. As products are becoming increasingly smart, connected, and generate a growing amount of data, ESI has built the new technologies and skills essential to the Industry 4.0. momentum. ESI’s latest Virtual Prototyping solutions are enriched by machine learning, data analytics and cybersecurity.
Data Analytics platform ESI INENDI empowers industrial clients with a Machine Behavior Analytics solution able to protect their infrastructures. Boosted by an advanced visual analytics software, ESI INENDI uses machine learning algorithms to model the behavior of any given industrial network and to investigate the mass of data generated by the connected objects supporting an industrial process. ESI INENDI then reuses these specific trained algorithmic models in order to set-up automatic alerts, helping industrial manufacturers and service providers to prevent hacking and other forms of advanced cyber-attack.
Closely working with ESI’s team of data scientists, Henri Païs, Business Developer for Data Analytics at ESI, comments: “For industrial customers facing the technological challenges of a connected world, ESI’s solid industrial experience comes as an added value. We are merging IT skills with a deep understanding of the industrial world, to deliver tailored cybersecurity solutions to our customers. Award of the Label France Cybersecurity highlights the breadth of our competency to deliver disruptive innovations.”