NVH Innovative Methods for Industry 4.0 | Workshop

7 June 2024
Italy, Room 1, Scientific Technological Center of the University of Ferrara
visit website
09:30 - 16:30 CET
Language: Italian
Alina Kojemiakina
alina.kojemiakina [at] esi-group.com (alina[dot]kojemiakina[at]esi-group[dot]com)

Join Us at the NVH Workshop in Ferrara

Dive into the world of Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) experimentation and simulation!

Join us for an interactive workshop in Italian featuring both plenary and technical sessions that delve deep into various facets of NVH experimentation and simulation, spanning the automotive and industrial machinery sectors, and beyond.

ESI Presentation

SPEAKER: Massimiliano Calloni – Senior Product Marketing Manager

Titolo : “Auralization of CAE Simulation Results for Electric Vehicles” o se preferite in Italiano “Auralizzazione dei risultati della simulazione CAE per veicoli elettrici”

Who is it for?

This workshop is tailored for students, company employees, PhD students, and professionals keen on exploring the realms of NVH.


09:30-10:00: Registration and Welcome Coffee
10:00-13:00: Plenary Session
13:00-14:00: Lunch with Exhibitors
14:00-16:30: Technical Session

Meet us

Luca Ravera

Senior Account Manager at ESI Group

Massimiliano Calloni

VA Product Marketing Manager


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