Webinar - VA One 2022 What's New

18 October 2022
EMEA/ASIA - 2pm CET and AMER - 2pm EDT

The VA One 2022 release places key focus on an accelerated BEM solver using H-matrix to support coupled (indirect) and uncoupled applications relevant for most vehicle applications, offering a substantial reduction of memory used and CPU time for many models.  There are also additional improvements extending those implemented in VA One 2021 related to acceleration of SEA Modeling functionality including more advanced and automated tools for SEA structural and acoustic subsystem and junction creation are introduced, reducing the modeling effort and time significantly for expert and non-expert user alike.  FE support and integration with internal FE solvers as well as ESI’s high-performance VPS solver are improved, making automatic property import to SEA models, FE connections with imperfect geometry, and an integrated process to calculate and post-process stress using the ESI VPS solver are all included. 

Several enhancements improving ease of use for SEA, other solvers and methods including several usability updates for the DFAT® module for spacecraft virtual qualification are implemented, along with some general performance updates and bug fixes.”

Key Topics

  • BEM Modeling
    • Enhanced Performance (Memory Usage and Speed) via H-Matrix solve options
    • More efficient batch runs with multiple load cases
    • DFAT® usability improvements for spacecraft structural qualification virtual testing
  • SEA Modeling
    • Extrude and Section by Subsystem or FE Face
    • Interior Point Junction Support
    • New Visualization Tools for Double-Wall Junctions and Trimmed Panels
  • FEA Modeling
    • Improved support for automated import of FE properties
    • New “Tolerant” FE connection options
    • Support and new options for File I/O supporting stress/strain calculation and post-processing
  • General
    • Displacement as a direct output quantity option
    • Ability to work with larger file size limit for FE, BEM, CFD/AVA
    • Improved multiple edit support
    • Enhanced 3D window and PYTHON console functionality

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Chad Musser

Director, Vibro-Acoustics Solution

Anton Golota

Vibro Acoustics Central Customer Support and QA Lead at ESI Group