To meet these demands, engineers must move away from traditional iterative 'design - test - fix' processes with physical models and deploy digital solutions, earlier in the design cycle, to control the risks associated with innovation. Using the most advanced simulation methodology, Virtual Prototyping, engineers can replace physical tests with virtual alternatives, speeding up the development process and anticipating potential issues earlier in their development cycle, thereby counterbalancing the risk associated with innovation. To comply with country-specific regulations, automotive OEMs must adopt a development cycle that can accurately evaluate a design's performance quickly and adjust to new expectations as these regulations evolve.
ESI's Virtual Proving Ground for EV Safety development represents a uniform environment to assess and virtually qualify a design long before a single physical validation prototype is built. Challenging physical tests such as small overlap frontal crashes are accurately rendered, including structural deformations and fractures for newer composite or mixed materials structures and traditional steel constructions. Airbag designs can be engineered in the virtual world, and EVs assessed for battery-critical water crossing & water intrusion tests along with battery crash simulation.
What is the value of Using Virtual Car Prototypes for Crash & Safety Testing in the Automotive Industry?
Read this eBook to discover how to realize safe, clean, and efficient development; and achieve certification with only 1 regulatory test before market launch.

Xavier CastilloSEAT