

How to achieve an optimal acoustic experience for electric vehicles?

Today, it is possible to detect and solve any exterior and interior acoustics problems upfront in the development cycle, using digital tools that leverage Finite Element Methods (FEM), Ray tracing and more, covering log and high frequencies. Organizations like Audi, Bentley, Nissan, and the US Army are already harnessing the convenience of a digital vehicle test facility.
Read our new e-book to
- gain insights into the latest advancements in EV acoustics engineering
- discover how VA-One, the de-facto standard tool covering the full spectrum from low to high frequencies, can revolutionize your approach to testing and development.
Achieve optimal acoustic performance in every aspect of your electric vehicle design with the VA-One simulation software
Watch the webinar on demand and find out how you can deliver electric vehicles that not only prioritize sustainability - but also excel in acoustic performance.
You will learn more about 5 key features of VA-One, acoustic simulation software, empowering EV manufacturers to meet their acoustics performance targets for electric vehicles including: Pass-by Noise, Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS), Sound Package Design and Optimization, Wind Noise and Auralization.
通过使用虚拟样机,宾利汽车成功实现了既定目标——在制造实物样件之前,先在虚拟环境下中优化Flying Spur车型的每个零部件。在减少了物理样机制造的同时,为客户创造了最安静的车内体验。虚拟样机意味着可制造更少的物理样机,进一步缩短了测试周期,这也有助于在早期阶段对车辆的设计方案和工程进行改进,并在后期大量的测试阶段体现出显著的优势。
Simon Noble宾利汽车
How Can Vibroacoustic Performance Simulation Transform Your Engineering Projects?

Discover the game-changing potential of advanced vibroacoustic simulation techniques with this comprehensive eBook: Silent (R)Evolution - How Vibroacoustic Performance Simulation Accelerates Innovation in Ground, Air, and Space Vehicles.
Inside, you will see how to ...
- Develop quieter products
- Unlock Innovation and Optimize Workflow.
- Reduce Costs and Improve Accuracy.
- Ensure Space Mission Success.
- Accelerate automotive design, testing, and development.
- Exceed Performance Expectations.