借助 ESI ProCAST,您每一次都可以铸造出正确的零件,包括第一次——在满足截止期限同时避免因报废零件或设计返工而浪费成本。几十年来,客户一直将 ProCAST 视为铸件基础操作(充型、凝固和孔隙率预测)必备的工具。借助有限元技术,ProCAST 还可预测变形和残余应力等复杂问题,可全面应用于大多数铸造合金材料和大多数铸造工艺,如砂铸、压铸、精铸以及这类工艺相关的各类变体工艺。
ProCAST 的优势
- 在设计之初预测、分析、测量和/或量化常见的铸件缺陷(例如断层扫描中所测量的孔隙率)
- 模拟整个工艺——从进炉到最终铸造,再到捕获和跟踪所有物理特性。(例如从浇注系统开始,预测裹气,以预测早期的空气夹带)
- 在视角因数下综合计算辐射,以解决高温熔模铸造中常见的阴影效应
- 计算整个过程中的应力,包括铸件在模具内部的凝固过程和模具外部的冷却过程,以预测最终变形,并通过 3D 扫描仪进行测量,轻松完成评估
- 预测晶粒结构,包括等轴晶和单晶、微观结构和机械性能
- 通过 DOE、优化和工艺稳健性分析,自动确定铸件的工艺窗口,以实现最终的质量目标
- Comprehensive Porosity Models for piping, shrinkage, micro & gas porosity covering various alloys and process
- Address various filling-related defects (air entrainment, oxides, surface defects, cold shuts, misrun, ...)
- Track residual stresses and control distortion
- Predict microstructure evolution & improve mechanical properties
- Design process to achieve desired grain structure
- Determine the right production process window and optimize the process
- Address various other casting processes including Centrifugal, Continuous Casting, DC Casting, Lost Foam, Semi-Solid, ...
- And adjacent processes like Core Blowing, Core Gassing/Drying, Heat Treatment
The cooperation with ESI within the BOOST project was very pleasant and professional. With ESI’s know-how and the advanced simulation capabilities of ProCAST it prooved possible to identify the root causes of complex casting defects and to point out ways how to improve those.
Gerhard HuberGerhard Huber – Simulation Expert, Nemak Linz GmbH
Join our Casting LIVE Event on June 21st

Interested in hearing how ProCAST is essential to ensure getting casting parts right the first time, meeting deadlines, and cutting costs on scrap parts or late redesigns? With its finite element technology, you can predict complex issues like deformations and residual stresses and comprehensively address most castable alloys and most casting processes like sand castings, die castings, investment castings, and multiple variants associated with these processes. During an exclusive digital digital event, casting engineers from Kovolis Hedvikov, MCS, and Azterlan shared how they predict, analyze, measure, and avoid casting defects in the earliest stages of design.
砂型铸造厂成功的关键是优化浇注系统,并消除缩松的风险。ESI ProCAST 可以对全部砂型铸造工艺进行全面建模,包括高压造型线,这让用户能够研究冒口位置、过滤网、冷铁、保温冒口和发热冒口对铸造工艺和质量的影响。还可以研究包括充型、凝固和残余应力在内的不同因素。
ProCAST 的标准孔隙率模型还考虑了铸铁在凝固过程中的膨胀影响,以及铸型刚度对膨胀是否施加限制。更全面的方法含有运行耦合、热微观结构和孔隙率计算,包括孕育。微观结构求解计算可以计算不同相的演化并预测局部密度变化,从而提供更真实的孔隙率结果。我们可以针对不同铸铁提供具体的微观组织模型:GI、SGI、CGI 和 Ni-合金。
压铸机参数信息集成在 ProCAST 内部,可实现实时冲头控制,从而准确选择合适的压铸机。我们可以对真空工艺和气体孔隙(原因包括未溶解的氢、铸件中的应力、模具移除和零件脱模时的应力释放,以及模具寿命)进行预测,以降低制造成本并评估使用中的零件性能。我们可以满足客户的具体需求,包括挤压、半固态材料、冷室的压射套筒模型、热室机器的鹅颈模型,以及低压压铸件的立管模型。ProCAST 可以对重力金属型铸造工艺(包括倾斜浇铸过程)进行建模,还可以自由定义轴和旋转速度。
ProCAST 可以自动生成代表模壳的网格,适用于精密铸造和壳型铸造工艺工艺。此外,ProCAST 还配有专用功能来满足精密铸造厂的特定需求,例如混合不均匀的外壳厚度并创建多个外壳层。同样,还可以考虑视角因数下的辐射,包括对高温合金至关重要的阴影效应。
ESI QuikCAST 已完全集成到 ESI ProCAST 中,并可以在虚拟环境中使用。QuikCAST 是一种快速有效的解决方案,可进行整套工艺评估。该产品满足了工业需求,可以提供快速而实际的预测,使铸造人员能够模拟从填充到凝固的整个铸造过程,包括缺陷预测。
QuikCAST 满足工业需求
降低成本和缩短上市前置时间是铸造行业紧迫的两个问题。QuikCAST 旨在帮助用户实现这些目标。您可以在早期阶段使用它进行模具和工艺开发,以及铸件质量评估。
QuikCAST 考虑了空气背压、过滤器、模具粗糙度、热交换、压铸涂层和重力,可精确模拟大多数铸造工艺,包括重力砂铸以及高低压铸模(例如砂心吹制)。
- 残余应力和变形
- 微观组织与热处理
- 高级缩松缩孔模型APM模块
- 晶粒结构
- 工艺优化
- 连续铸造
- 离心铸造
- 消失模铸造
Smooth integration of ProCAST for casting simulation into your existing processes

Current product development and manufacturing processes use different methodologies to bring the dies to production. Together with you we define a structured deployment of ProCAST into your existing engineering workflows thereby ensuring full integration and enable a comprehensive die casting process validation. ESI’s customer experience team for casting simulation accompanies you through the complete implementation process from software evaluation and building of simulation models throught to the interpretation of the simulation results and training in efficient work with ProCAST.
- Training and first-class software support to help customers tackle all casting simulation challenges
- Access to a database of Tips & Tricks and Technical Papers in our customer portal myESI
- Knowledge exchange with global ProCAST community and attend our advanced technical events such as our annual Solidification Course