Fig. 1 True stress-strain of 980MPa obtained from the uniaxial tensile test
为了保证Y-U材料参数的准确性,SAB提供了一种先进的材料识别软件,即MatPara 2.0版,如图2所示。MatPara是一种先进的软件,通过优化技术从应力应变实验数据中来识别几种材料的本质弹塑性参数,例如Y-U模型。
Fig. 2 (Left) The use of material identification software; MatPara
Fig. 3 (Right) The FE simulation results of 980MPa A-pillar
Fig. 5 The comparison of an A-pillar part obtained from the die trial and the FE simulation results with a die allowance of ±1 mm
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Komgrit Lawanwong received his doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from Hiroshima University (HU), Japan, in 2015, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Fusahito Yoshida. He had worked for KMUTT as a researcher from 2004, then moved to Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUT-R) in 2007 as a lecturer, and has been appointed Associate professor in the Department of Production Engineering since 2020. His research interest is in the metal stamping field, auto body parts production, specifically springback prediction of high strength steel sheet by The Y-U model. He has gotten the best paper award from the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP) in 2014.