ESI集团执行副总裁Corinne Romefort-Régnier女士表示: “此次卓越中心的成立只是一个起点,期待双方在未来共同努力,在智能仿真技术研究中取得丰硕成果,助力行业的品质升级。”
中国汽研检测工程事业部副总经理周建文在致辞中强调: “此次合作具有里程碑意义,双方将依托智能仿真卓越中心,强强联合,为中国及全球客户打造智能仿真领域的创新解决方案,为汽车行业的发展做出贡献。”
CAERI is subordinated to the China Certification and Inspection Group. As a central state-owned enterprise holding a listed company, it actively fulfills its responsibilities and has received accolades as a “Science and Technology Innovation Demonstrative Enterprise” and a “Benchmark Enterprise.” As a national-level research institute, CAERI is authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the Ministry of Transport for automotive product announcements, environmental protection, China Compulsory Certification (CCC), and fuel consumption testing. It houses national-level platforms such as the National Gas Vehicle Engineering Research Center, the National Key Laboratory of Automotive Noise, Vibration, and Safety Technology, the National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Alternative Fuel Vehicles, the National Intelligent Clean Energy Vehicle Quality Inspection and Testing Center, the National Robot Testing and Evaluation Center (Chongqing), the National Motor Vehicle Quality Inspection and Testing Center (Chongqing), the National Hydrogen Power Quality Inspection and Testing Center, and the National Motor Vehicle Quality Inspection and Testing Center (Guangdong). CAERI serves as a crucial base and technical support institution for product development, experimental research, and quality testing in China's automotive industry.