Human-Centric Assembly Cell & Line Validation



“Human-Centric Assembly Cell & Line Validation” published as a proceeding of the 6th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM2020), held in Skövde, Sweden from 31 August to 2 September 2020.

Abstract. Further digitalization is in progress for production processes which creates new challenges for both human centric assembly line management and individual assembly operators. By providing an efficient platform and ‘virtual assembly line twin’ the collaboration between Manufacturing Engineering and Production Operations can be significantly improved providing an efficient platform for assembly validation, ramp-up, operator guidance and virtual try-outs of improvements and changes to the assembly line. The main target is to provide a further strengthened platform for Human Centric Experiential Discovery and Validation, providing a rich virtual twin of the assembly environment, thus enabling efficient and reliable decision making by the key stakeholders involved in the manufacturing engineering, ramp-up and production operation processes, while providing digital continuity with upstream and downstream workflows for efficient integration within the customer processes. This session highlights most valuable IC.IDO [1] themes supporting the virtual validation of human centric processes in the production line, supporting our customers to increase productivity while ensuring worker health and safety, minimizing waste (Muda) and human error throughout the product lifecycle fulfilled with some proven customer examples. The session will also highlight customer requirements from innovation perspective to improve future workflows to generate a higher level of working efficiency.

André RUECKERT, Marc NIEMANN, Eric KAM - ESI Group, Germany

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