OpenFOAM-v2206 - Release Webinar

21 七月 2022
10am CET and 11am ET

The new version 2206 released in June 2022 brings a lot of exciting new functionality and extension to the existing ones. Join us next July 21st to learn about the new OpenFOAM release highlights. We will introduce:

  • Updates regarding mesh generation, mainly new automatic leak closure and optimization of snappyHexMesh
  • Improvements in the adjoint optimization, the new Reynolds-stress turbulence model, and new functionality in the dynamic mesh.
  • New post-processing function objects that were introduced and many others improved.

Attend the webinar to find out about many other important improvements will be mentioned in the webinar.


Asia / European Session - 10am CET
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Americas Session - 11am ET
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Presenters & Special Guest

Andre Weiner is a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. He obtained his PhD from the Technical University of Darmstadt, where he worked on data-driven boundary layer models for reactive mass transfer processes in multiphase flows. His current research focuses on computational methods for dimensionality reduction, enhancing fluid dynamics simulations with machine learning, and the management and reproducibility of scientific data. Andre is a chair of the Data Driven Modelling Special Interest Group in OpenFOAM governance.

Andre Weiner

TU Braunschweig
Active control of the flow past a cylinder using deep reinforcement learning



Fred Mendonca

Director ESI-OpenCFD, Global Operations


Matej Forman

OpenFOAM training coordinator, ESI Group