event.germany [at] esi-group.com (event[dot]germany[at]esi-group[dot]com)
Immerse yourself in a virtual XR world, to inform yourself online about the latest developments in the fields of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality, to exchange ideas, to network and to arrange personal appointments with interesting fellow participants. Experience live lectures, demos and discussions from a wide variety of organizations! Visit exhibiting companies and labs at their headquarters during their open houses!
The program this year will feature great live keynote speakers with exciting topics, live broadcast as well as on-demand company and product presentations, and 1-2 live panel discussions each day with invited experts on XR topics in industry, architecture, medicine, commerce & trade.

ESI Presentation & Sponsoring

ESI is sponsoring this event as Gold sponsor and will have several presentations*:
XR Collaboration
The Future of Collaboration is Here by Michael Kerausch | 2.30 pm, May 17th
Pop-up XR Experiences by Jan Wurster | 4.30 pm, May 17th
Future Trends
COVID-19 - Making high risk zones visible by Rüdiger Magg |9 am, May 21st
Extending the Digital Thread by Eric Kam | 10.30 am, May 21st
*Presentation titles subject to change.
Learn More about ESIs Solution
Experience Your Product – Before You Build or Service It – Through the World of Immersive Virtual Reality
Sometimes new concepts need to be experienced to be trusted. You build something and watch as an idea or concept comes to life. But what if, once constructed, you realize that it isn’t as you imagined your product would be? That by walking around and building your project, you discover that the real product or finished assembly has inconsistencies, flaws or errors that are not evident in concepts or designs until you experienced the build. At this point, what you have built is scrap, design changes will set you back weeks, if not months, and costs will certainly rise – if redesigning this late in the game is even an option. If it’s not, going to market with a less than perfect product or flawed process might be a reality you must come to terms with.