25 三月 2021 - 27 四月 2021
Prafull Wani
pgw [at] esi-group.com (pgw[at]esi-group[dot]com)

Webinar 1 - Characterization & Modeling of Acoustic Materials ​

Date: March 25th   Time: 3:30PM (IST) Length: 1h

Over the few decades, the characterization of Porous Sound Absorbing Materials has been of increasing interest to both the acoustic engineers, material suppliers and OEMs. It is particularly important that acoustic engineers are able to predict the Acoustic Properties (BIOT Properties) of these materials, to get a quantitative measure of the acoustic energy absorption and transmission loss also.

This webinar presents the Experimental & Numerical methods help to predict the BIOT properties, Which provide the link between the Acoustic properties and its NVH performance in various Industrial Segments.


Key Takeaways:

  • Acoustic Materials characterization using Physical Testing / Simulation / Combined methods
  • Performance of Acoustic products like noise barrier, absorber, trims, enclosure etc.
  • Optimization of Sound Package materials for noise and vibration control
  • Meet Noise level Targets  with optimized noise control treatments and related weight
  • Prediction of Elastic Properties of the Tires to evaluate the Rolling Noise


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Sandeep Kashyap

Application Engineer: ESI VA One


Kevin Verdiere


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 Follow-up sessions! Date: April 7th  Time: 3:30PM (IST) Length: 1h                            

Topic: Diffuse field absorption and transmission loss measurement combine with NOVA for an optimal material design

  • The difference between the impedance tube measurement and the diffuse field measurement
  • Model a diffuse field behavior in NOVA based on the properties extracted form a normal incidence measurement
  • Acoustic test cabin measurement overview of the hardware and comparison with NOVA simulation
  • Transmission loss measurement test using Mecanum test cabin and a full-size facility.

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 On-Demand Hands-on Workshop! Date: April 27th  Time: 3:30PM (IST) Length: 2h


On Demand Workshop Topics: 

1. Characterization/Prediction of Mechanical and BIOT parameter of acoustic materials. 
2. Evaluating the performance of acoustic materials on actual system. 

Key Topics to Cover:

  • Mechanical & BIOT Properties characterization of PU foam using Foam-X (largely used in automotive industry).
  • Characterization at normal incidence with Foam-X then first optimization of flat panel/sound package with NOVA.
  • Sound Package optimization of Acoustic Material with BIOT Properties or Predicted TL at system level or component level by using VA One in automotive applications.

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