得益于IC.IDO虚拟现实协同工程评审,MAN Bus将响应时间从几天缩短到几小时
Łukasz Wiatr生产准备专家-Man Bus Sp. z o. o.
汽车行业快速发展的趋势和挑战要求主机厂商快速响应市场需求,以确保产品在正确的时机发布与交付。MAN Bus工厂专门从事城市公交车的生产,需要通过加快使用新数据来更新虚拟交互会话场景,从而加快其样机开发周期,减少工程变更的数量和任何推迟生产的风险。MAN Bus需要提升研发效率,确保在交付节点前完成生产。
MAN engineers typically faced challenges in dealing with complex geometries or projects, as they would need to upload all the data into their system and then spend hours, or even days, creating a virtual build session. Then, their review teams would identify potential integration issues that needed correcting before release, which in turn, required a follow-up review to validate any design changes. Engineers would fix the issues, create new Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) geometry, and feed that new data into Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems. They would then have to create a new session from scratch, build it with the revised product data, and have previous simulated behaviors reapplied.
This meant continuously changing product data and sessions. Time lost building sessions with every new geometry was reducing opportunities to identify any additional risks in the product or process. These inefficiencies prevented the teams from focusing on the main goal of reviewing the assembly and disassembly of the bus’s climate control systems.
The MAN factory in Starachowie has been using ESI IC.IDO for the last three years, and recently implemented its Change Management capabilities to help with this specific problem. With that solution in hand, MAN developers are now able to update existing Virtual Reality sessions based on detailed data changes, both before and after revisions, making it easier to see the modifications. The added benefit of an automatic update mode guides engineers through the workflow update process.
The implementation of this solution within the virtual prototype development cycle has reduced response time from days to hours, allowing them to work 3 times faster than before. More specifically, it has allowed MAN to move one full-time person from inspecting geometry for changes and recreating duplicate virtual reality sessions to strictly working on engineering evaluation. Naturally, all of this leads to reduced costs and the ability to stay on target with getting their products to market as planned.
About MAN Bus & Truck
MAN Truck & Bus, with headquarters in Munich, is one of the leading international suppliers of commercial vehicles and transport solutions in Europe, with production plants in three European countries as well as in Russia, South Africa, and Turkey. The MAN production site in Starachowice is part of MAN Truck & Bus Group (within the Volkswagen Group) and a center of excellence in bus manufacturing – and where MAN city buses are built.
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