Dr. Matt KleinManager for Engineering Analysis and Modeling / Farasis Energy, Inc.
汽车行业电气化转型似乎势不可挡。 OEM宣布正在积极进行电动汽车 (EV) 生产计划,国际能源署表示,到 2030 年,电动汽车的数量将从 3百万辆增加到 1.25 亿辆。因此,新的参与者正在进入市场并将打破传统的产品设计规则—锂电池制造商 Farasis Energy 就是其中的新参与者。 为了在增长快速的市场中赢得胜利,Farasis 的团队凭借专业知识和虚拟原型制作能力,向一家德国主机厂商证明他们是最好的供应商。 但他们是如何在短短几个月内掌握了虚拟仿真技术呢?
OEM Says “No Thank You” to Physical Testing
Farasis Energy, Inc., founded in California in 2002, is a developer and supplier of Li-ion battery technologies. With headquarters in China, a technology research center in Silicon Valley, and several largescale manufacturing plants in Asia and Europe, they are leaders in the industry. Witnessing the exponential growth of the EV market, Farasis saw an opportunity to expand their business. We spoke to Dr. Matt Klein, Manager for Engineering Analysis and Modeling at Farasis, who told us about his company’s experience bidding for a large German automotive OEM. Early in 2018, they received a development request for a new battery module from a German OEM. Bidding for a new battery design typically requires physical testing along with virtual testing (i.e. simulation). Farasis knew they would be working within a very short timeframe. Indeed, to bring EV to market faster, safer, and better than their competition, OEM and suppliers need to validate the reliability of their vehicles and parts faster than ever. This OEM accelerated the program timeline even further. Dr. Klein recalls, “Half-way through the bidding process, the OEM actually decided to remove the physical prototype step – they would make their decision based on the virtual prototype.”
Simulation for the Win
Klein and his team were not caught off guard as they had teamed up with ESI, relying on the software provider’s proven knowledge of the automotive industry and ability to provide real results, virtually, thanks to virtual prototyping. He describes ESI’s combination of domain expertise and solution capabilities as crucial to the project’s success. The ability to build a global (single-core) model, covering all engineering domains, led to a highly efficient workflow and ultimately a cost-effective solution for Farasis.
An Evolving Partnership
ESI is now putting in place a platform for Farasis’s international team of CAE engineers, one that is fully automated and customized to their way of working. Thanks to this platform, the Farasis team will work together - regardless of what continent they are on - with great efficiency and transparency, on common Virtual Prototyping models. And what began as a bilateral partnership has quickly evolved into an ecosystem comprised of three major players – Farasis, ESI Group, and the automotive OEM – all hungry to tap into the EV market. Since their win, business is booming in Germany and China, and in his new role as
Global CAE Director, Klein plans to create a robust, global simulation team with the help of ESI.
We are keeping Farasis in our sights – and so should you.
About Farasis Energy, Inc.
We are spearheading the global energy transformation and are committed to providing world-leading clean energy products and services. With strong R&D and manufacturing capabilities, Farasis has developed rapidly in the fields of lithium-ion battery applications such as transportation, energy storage, and heavy machinery, and are pioneering innovation in the evolving field of electrification.
For more information visit Farasis Energy, Inc.