PAM-FORM, the composite forming simulation module within PAM-COMPOSITES, is used to simulate the preforming process of dry textiles or the thermoforming process of fiber-reinforced composite materials made of thermoset or thermoplastic resins (organosheets, GFRP, CFRP…).
These results are available at the laminate level as well as at the ply level, allowing you to predict cases of internal wrinkles, for example, that are not visible through visual checks of physical prototypes.
PAM-FORM includes material models for UniDirectional (UD), Non-Crimp Fabric (NCF), woven fabric, dry textile, thermoset prepreg, and organosheet.
With PAM-FORM, manufacturing defects are eliminated and product quality is improved upfront in the product development process, before any tools are cut, thanks to the optimization of the following process parameters:
tool velocity
temperature and pressure cycle
clamping conditions and force
laminate sequence, ply orientations
tooling design
Simulation can also be used later in the process to correct manufacturing issues after they are identified.