How do I model acoustic treatments to balance weight reduction and cost with vibro-acoustic requirements
Vibro-acoustic engineers responsible for controlling noise transmission use noise control treatments extensively. However, designers are challenged to control both cost and weight when deploying these materials. In addition the properties of these materials are complex, requiring knowledge of their non-linear response across the full frequency range.
This webinar will begin by demonstrating the use of the VA One Foam X module to deploy an inverse Biot calculation. The goal is to identify the frequency dependent properties of open porous materials and how these material properties can be coupled to the Foam module of VA One to predict the performance of multiple layer acoustic treatments. With the Foam module, engineers and designers can identify the performance of each layer of an acoustic treatment using Biot parameters and apply them to the different panels of a SEA model. Then, they can proceed with simulation and estimate the effect of the treatments on the vibro-acoustic performances of the system.
An SEA model of a fully trimmed vehicle will then be used to demonstrate how these frequency dependant properties can be deployed in the system level model to predict interior noise for driver and passenger hearing with a +/ 3dB accuracy across a frequency range from 150 Hz to 10 kHz.