IC.IDO Demo Days | Germany, Munich
Germany, Munich
Germany, Munich
Alina Kojemiakina
alina.kojemiakina [at] esi-group.com (alina[dot]kojemiakina[at]esi-group[dot]com)
alina.kojemiakina [at] esi-group.com (alina[dot]kojemiakina[at]esi-group[dot]com)
Join one of our half-day workshops in Munich (June 4) to learn more about ESI's XR solution IC.IDO and how it can help you design & build safe, productive, and sustainable human-centric operations.
Safe, Productive, and Sustainable operations:
- Using real-time physics for hands-on exploration and discovery. Have physical interactions with new product concepts and virtually perform the processes required to make and maintain them
- Break down silos between design, manufacturing, and maintenance
- Integrate human interactions throughout the product development lifecycle
- Respect program deadlines
- Connect simulation processes to the PLM backbone Digital Thread

Experience products in an immersive environment:
- Realtime Product integration, packaging & clearance
- Realtime cable & hose simulations
- Component installation & Removal with real-time physics
- Tool and mechanism behavior
- Virtual and Mixed Reality tryout environment
Conduct Human-Centric Process Validation workflows & immersive product integration:
- Evaluate, Validate, and Optimize assembly processes, Assembly bill-of-material, eBOM, eBOP planning and validation
- Ergonomics analytics w/ RAMSIS
Host Collaborative Virtual Workspaces for Human-Centric Process Validation workflows & immersive product integration:
- Flexibly collaborate with groups of (immersed) participants via Streamed Virtual Reality with IC.IDO CoLab
"A Human Centered Path to Collaborative Virtual Reality”
Experience IC.IDO on CoLEDWallLite, the two-user Powerwall from Fraunhofer IAO
Join us and meet with our team of experts to discuss your requirements. Register now for free and secure your place in:
True-to-life interaction with product, assembly cells & tools, and maintenance environments
Fast turnaround results – from data acquisition and preparation to analysis and sharing
Real-time collaborative decision making – make decisions and evaluate corrective actions with your team regardless of your physical location