VA One 2021 Release Webinar

2pm ET/11am PT / 3pm CET

The 2021 VA One release places key focus on improvements and acceleration of SEA Modeling functionality as its flagship feature set.  More advanced and automated tools for SEA structural and acoustic subsystem and junction creation are introduced, reducing the modeling effort and time significantly for expert and non-expert users alike. 

Clean-up work, subsystem divisions, and model preparation are minimized via a series of repair tools, operations "tolerant" of imperfect geometry including gaps or holes, and more automated auto-connection operations for all types of junctions.

Adapting FE models and geometry to SEA models is accelerated while minimizing node clicking and manual operations via a suite of tools to more easily and automatically support the key SEA model creation operations via an improved geometry engine infrastructure.

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Key Topics

Key functionality includes:

  • Merge nodes, fill holes, repair, heal and simplify geometry
  • Tools to more easily group, merge, and split SEA structural subsystems
  • Support for flexibly adjusting the type of SEA structural subsystems between flat, singly curved and doubly curved, with improved tools to assist fitting the curvature and relaxed geometry definition requirements
  • Ability to create SEA structural subsystems with holes, pass-through or penetrations
  • Ability to auto-connect SEA structural subsystems via point and line junctions using a tolerance, allowing connections with imperfect geometry or across gaps
  • Several new, advanced options for automatic generation of SEA acoustic cavities from structures, even in the presence of gaps or imperfect geometry
  • Tools to more easily split and subdivide SEA acoustic cavities
  • Ability to auto-connect SEA acoustic cavities via area junctions using a tolerance, allowing connections with imperfect geometry or across gaps
  • Ability to auto-connect SEA acoustic cavities to SEA structures or other SEA acoustic cavities in an automated process even where boundaries differ and the involved connections are one-to-many or many-to-one (automated sequence of partial area junctions)
  • Updated and improved menu workflow supporting the above SEA Modeling operations