How do I create models to predict low frequency acoustic radiation

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The Boundary Element method has long been established as the tool of choice for low frequency calculation of acoustic radiation. However the creation of models can take time and for large models the computer resources, needed for BEM calculations, are sometimes not available.

This webinar will demonstrate how a BEM model can be quickly created from an existing FEM or CFD model using automated methods like ‘shrink wrap‘. This allows to extract the surface mesh required for a BEM analysis then quickly coarsen this surface representation to provide a mesh which is consistent with efficient BEM modeling requirements. This resulting model, along with applied loads and response surfaces, will then be calculated using a combination of High Performance Computing (HPC) adopting DMP (Distributed Memory Parallel) version of our BEM solver that enables efficient calculation of large BEM models (pooling RAM and splitting assembly and resolution overs many CPUs). The use of HPC can also be coupled with Grid computing solutions to increase computational efficiency or cloud based computing resources can be used, if sufficient resources are not available at a local level.

Respective merits of the HPC BEM approach vs. the Fast Multipole Method will be introduced to provide clear decision support towards lower cost computation solutions for acoustic radiation problems.