Use of a cognitive simulation model of the driver to support the Virtual Human Centred Design (V-HCD) of ADAS and automated vehicles

Systèmes & Contrôles Virtuels


This paper presents a research programme jointly implemented by IFSTTAR and ESI group in order to develop an integrative simulation platform able to support the human centred design of future Advanced Driving Aid Systems (ADAS). This ‘Virtual Human Centred Design’ platform, named VHCD, is based on a cognitive simulation model of the car driver (named COSMODRIVE) interacting with a Vehicle–Environment simulation platform (named Pro-SiVIC) also able to integrate simulated ADAS. From this integrative simulation approach, it is expected to better take into account end-users needs since the earliest stages of the design process, and then, to reduce the costs of driving aids development, prototyping and test.

BELLET Thierry - IFSTTAR (LESCOT), Bron, France (

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