VA One | Release Webinar

22 Juin 2023 - 31 Décembre 2023
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1 Hour

Discover what's new in VA One 2023

The VA One 2023 release places a key focus on additional improvements to and acceleration of SEA Modeling, substantial FE updates, and improvements to the robustness and usability of an H-matrix BEM solve option bringing improved solution times and reduced memory as its flagship feature sets.  Some key general enhancements that are usable with several methods and types of models were also introduced.  A summary of the key functionality in the new release:

SEA Modeling

  • Support for Isogrid and other “General Ribbed” Sections

  • Link to Auralization of Sound Package Design Changes

  • Refinements to Accelerated SEA Modeling

FEA Modeling

  • Ability to calculate and post-process stress with ESI tools and environment

  • Improved support for NASTRAN translation for ESI FE solvers and general FE usage

BEM Modeling

  • Robustness improvements to accelerated uncoupled and coupled H-matrix accelerated BEM



  • Ability to visualize junctions with leakage or isolators

  • Enhanced scripting support and API documentation updates 

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Chad Musser

Director, Vibro-Acoustics Solution

Pinak Salvekar

Work Package Leader, Validation & Support at ESI Group