ESI’s second China Forum will take place in Beijing, on 25 & 26 August
ESI Group, pioneer and world- leading solution provider in virtual prototyping, announces the second ESI China Forum, an event aiming to support the development of End-to-End Virtual Prototyping. This innovative Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) practice addresses industrial challenges across various sectors, including automotive, aerospace, government & defense, energy, heavy industry, electronics or consumer goods.

Successful ESI China Forum 2010
End-to-End Virtual Prototyping enables virtual manufacturing, building and testing of a product in coherent progressive stages and concurrently across multiple domains. It helps product development teams to produce quality results: accurate, for the right cost, at the right time, and with impressive benefits. Research and Development benefits of Virtual Prototyping will be highlighted by Vincent Chaillou, President Product Operations and Chief Operating Officer at ESI Group.
The conference will open with a plenary session in which keynote speakers Mr. Guansheng Li, Senior Specialist at COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd.); and Zhou Zhou, Deputy Chief Engineer at CAERI (China Automotive Engineering Research Institute) will report on the role of simulation based design in the industries they represent. Subsequent parallel session will follow the industry theme, with contributions from representatives of important state institutes and commercial organizations, as well as domain experts from ESI Group.
The parallel session dedicated to aeronautics will feature the participation of several of the key institutes within AVIC, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China. Experts from FAI (First Aircraft Institute), CAC (Chengdu Aircraft Corporation), BISEI (Beijing Institute of Strength & Environment Institute), CADI (Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute), Xi’an Engine Factory and SADRI-COMAC (Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, COMAC) will speak on bird impact, metal and composites manufacturing processes, vibro-acoustics and materials data management.
Similar topics will be addressed, but with different perspectives, in the parallel session on ground transportation; highlighting crash and safety, simulation of different manufacturing processes, and operating conditions related to noise, fluid flow and electromagnetic environments. External speakers during this session will include experts from commercial organizations such as Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai GM, Changan Auto, Raffles Offshore Ltd and the Henkel Group, as well as from leading Chinese academic organizations and research institutes, including Tsing Hua University, NUDT (National University of Defense Technology), SJTU (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), and SWJTU (South West Jiao Tong University).
Complementing the parallel sessions on specific industries, the conference also provides a forum for specialists in different manufacturing technologies and in Virtual Manufacturing. Speakers from government institutes and universities will address diverse topics in casting, welding and heat treatment in different industrial applications, including nuclear power engineering.
"We are expecting an especially exciting event, this year," stated Christopher St. John, COO Field operations, ESI Group. "We set a high standard in 2010, with the first ESI China Forum, but are confident that the industry focus this year will provide even more value for the attendees. Coming in the first year of the 12th 5 year plan for the People’s Republic of China, this event provides an opportunity for industry leaders and technical specialists to consider how virtual prototyping can contribute directly to attainment of their countries objectives."
The Forum will take place at Grand Epoch City and will feature a Gala Dinner on 25 August. For further information, please visit or contact An Fu.