ESI and JMDA team up to enable the Virtual Prototyping of Child Car Seats
Paris, France – January 18, 2016 – ESI Group, pioneer and world-leading solution provider in Virtual Prototyping for manufacturing industries, announces the signature of a strategic partnership with JMDA, global child car seat design and development specialist. By signing this agreement, JMDA and ESI are joining forces to enable child car seat manufacturers to reach new levels of technical understanding and design excellence. The main benefit of combining child car seat design and Virtual Prototyping, using ESI’s Virtual Seat Solution, is to virtually test a proposed design, to gain information about expected product performance and regulatory compliance before committing to major investments. The seat and its restraint system can be optimized early on in the design phase; reaching higher performance levels, while reducing product development and manufacturing costs. What’s more, Virtual Seat Solution enables manufacturers to achieve Virtual Pre-Certification, accelerating the product certification process while lowering R&D costs and making less conservative design decisions.

Child safety seat modeled using Virtual Seat Solution.
Derrick Barker, Managing Director of JMDA, says:
Our alliance with ESI Group is an important landmark in JMDA’s history, marrying together our vast experience in child restraint design and development with state-of-the-art simulation software, Virtual Seat Solution. It opens up fresh opportunities to innovate, prove new concepts, test the limits and establish sound due diligence evaluations for new designs. We can also research the impact of planned changes in regulations to further support the industry”. Derrick adds, “Working together with ESI, we have over 65 years combined technical capability which we will continue to use to help evolve product design and ultimately make child car seats even safer!"
General Manager of ESI UK, Marco Aloe explains:
As leader in Virtual Prototyping for the automotive industry for over 40 years, ESI proposes a wide range of multi-domain simulation solutions, including Virtual Seat Solution: a unique software solution to design and develop car seats completely virtually, from end-to-end. For our partner JMDA, as for other industry players, ESI’s Virtual Prototyping solutions provide the best method available to catch up with the fast evolving regulations, and to launch new innovations within the time and budget available. Working hand in hand with JMDA, we are looking forward to strengthening the expertise that enables us to respond to the specific needs of the child restraint market."
For more information on Virtual Seat Solution, please visit
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ESI Group – Media Relations
Céline Gallerne
Celine.Gallerne [at] (Celine[dot]Gallerne[at]esi-group[dot]com)
+33 (0)1 41 73 58 46
JMDA – Marketing & PR Manager
Christina Darling
design [at] (design[at]jmdadesign[dot]co[dot]uk)
+44 (0) 1386 426100
JMDA Design est spécialisé dans la conception et le développement d’un grand nombre de produits dont des sièges auto pour enfants, des monte-escaliers, des douches, des alarmes à incendie et des chaises hautes pour enfant. JMDA Design a deux bureaux à Pershore, Worcestershire, en Grande-Bretagne et un à Shanghai, en Chine. JMDA Design accompagne ses clients internationaux dans les tests, la fabrication et la distribution des produits qu’ils conçoivent. JMDA Design a gagné de nombreux prix internationaux dont :
2014 –Gagnant du Progressive Preschool Innovation Award (Flippa Folding Dining Booster)
2012 – Finaliste du Hereford and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce International Business Award
2010 – Gagnant du International Business of the Year Award
2009 – Finaliste du Prix Kind & Jugend pour l’Innovation
2008 – Finaliste du Prix Kind & Jugend pour l’Innovation
2008 – Finaliste du prix des PME de la Chambre de Commerce locale