ESI Releases Virtual Performance Solution 2010
Increased product diversification, shortened development times and reduced costs are the biggest challenges that industry faces today. ESI’s Virtual Performance Solution --- scalable simulation software for multi-domain virtual product testing --- addresses these challenges by enabling the management of complex simulation scenarios, while balancing functional requirements.

Visualizing Virtual Performance Solution results in the Visual-Viewer dedicated environment
With the version 2010 of Virtual Performance Solution, ESI offers a unique multi-stage capability enabling multi-domain analysis with a single core model. This enables significant reduction in complexity versus the effort of dealing with multiple solvers and workflow processes.
“With Virtual Performance Solution, we use one single core model of a vehicle bonnet to perform stiffness analysis and pedestrian protection analysis”, declared Eberhard Keim, CAE Department Manager at EDAG Ingolstadt. “Two simulation models for different load cases are no longer needed. Using a single core model allows us to perform faster design changes: giving us a competitive advantage. Furthermore, the calculation with the Implicit module is two times faster and uses less memory than what we used before.”
Version 2010 spans crash, impact and occupant safety analysis, motion and dynamics, strength and thermal analysis, as well as Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) analysis; all within a single package. NVH is new in Version 2010, allowing engineers to go beyond crash and safety analysis and solve linear harmonics, transient structural and acoustic problems in parallel. This new, powerful feature enables engineers to obtain more reliable and accurate results, to clearly measure the structure’s deformation -- as required by EuroNCAP -- and to cover a wider range of applications seamlessly.
Thanks to such Concurrent Engineering, CAE engineers can benefit much more directly from Virtual Prototyping and Virtual Testing.
“Virtual Performance Solution allows you to use a single compute model for multi-domain applications. Running both explicit and implicit solution schemes on a standard crash simulation hardware platform, you can significantly reduce not only the turnaround time but also IT costs. Benefits are not restricted to reduced global cost and project time; you can expect improved quality and happier customers”, said Peter Ullrich, Virtual Performance Solution Product Manager at ESI Group.
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