Pacific Engineering Systems International

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Established in 1983, Pacific Engineering Systems International Pty Ltd, or Pacific ESI, is an advanced engineering consulting company based in Sydney, Australia. We specialise in simulating the behaviour of structures and fluids (and potentially their interaction) in design, manufacturing and sustainment scenarios that occur across a range of engineering disciplines.

Pacific ESI are the Australian and New Zealand distributor for ESI Group's advanced virtual prototyping software.

While our focus is on numerical simulations and analyses that leverage the value of a digital (or hybrid) twin model of a component or structure, we have established partnerships with measurement and testing laboratories to provide an end-to-end testing and development pathway for your project. Our highly trained engineers, who support our internal IT infrastructure and projects, can be leveraged to push your computing project to the next level in-house, in the cloud or a hybrid.

Pacific ESI
+61 2 8571 0847
Product Expertise
Service/Solution Expertise
Customer Maintenance
Customer Support
Customer Training
Engineering Services
Simulation Services