Optunity LTD

Optunity LTD. Is a technology company with R&D H/W electronic and mechanical team for devices in Military, IOT monitoring and control, Medical etc. and also specialize in advanced Data centers, CFD simulations, with more than 20 years of experience at edge multidisciplinary areas, such as Thermal Packaging, Fire, Chemical, Phase Change, Aeronautics, water impingement Simulations etc.
For the thermal packaging projects, we offer a complete 'Turn Key' solution.
We offer simulations along with Mechanical and Controlling design, with the added advantage of prototyping and mass production manufacturing via our worldwide partners. With dozens of projects in our belt our Experience team mastered many technologies, such as Cold Plates, Heat Pipes, TECs (Thermo Electric Coolers), Phase Change Cooling, System Controlling, and more.
This allow us to tailor our solution per your performance requirements such as cost, noise, and environmental needs.
Optunity is also representing the largest manufacturers for optical components, Fiber and mechanical parts.